The meeting was opened by our Chair, Kath Gill, who welcomed all present. The minutes of the 50th AGM were accepted without amendment. There would be several changes to the executive committee this year as Kath Gill is standing down as Chairman, Henry Lewis as (Acting)Hon Treasurer and Ken Davies as Hon Secretary. Kath thanked all the committee members for their valued contributions throughout the year. And also all the members who have given valuable help this past year, Ann Hill as membership secretary, the newsletter distributors, and the ladies who help with the tea at our meetings.
Treasurer Henry Lewis presented this years figures. There was an excess of expenditure over income. Largely due to the special event to celebrate our 50 years of existence and £250 for last years Christmas party. This year we managed to make the Christmas party self funding by means of a raffle. Other expenditure was largely due to affiliation fees, insurance and room hire.
Chairman’s Report – Kath explained that she had started last year as a temporary chairman, for supposedly a few weeks, but in actual fact lasted the whole year. She had enjoyed the year and would have continued as chairman, but for personal reasons. She thanked all those who had supported her, both the committee and members. She emphasised the need for new committee members and followed with a brief description of vacancies and the individual roles for each post.
(see below for full report)
The Executive Committee nominees for 2012 are:
Mark Davies – Hon Secretary
Graham Cox – Hon Treasurer
Maureen Smith – Publicity Officer
Committee Members:
Planning Sub Committee: Graham Cox, Peter Hewitt, Angela Boddy
Newsletter Editor: Carole Pethers
General Committee Members: Richard Johnson, Roger Pethers, Evelyn Smith
The above were elected and welcomed to the committee.
There was no other business and the meeting ended at 9.50pm.
Chairman’s Report
I came as Temporary Chair supposedly for a few months and am still here at the end of the year. I was very much a novice and certainly could not have fulfilled this role without the support I have received from the committee and the membership. I would specially like to thank all the committee for their valuable work, Ann Hill as Membership Secretary and Newsletter Distributor plus all those who help with distribution of the Newsletter. A special thanks to Ann, Margaret and Jo, who have helped with tea and coffee, And in doing so always miss the end of questions after our speakers. Also to Doug Alexander who helps with the website, Julian Blades who has been liaising with the council regarding the trees outside the Library and all those members who have offered help and advice over the last year.
So it is with great regret that I am unable to stand as chair for the coming year, due to family illness making more demands upon my time. I still wish to stand as a committee member and hope to continue to serve in a lesser capacity.
Similarly Ken Davies has to stand down after many years as Hon. Secretary due to his wife’s illness and Henry Lewis is standing down as Hon. Treasurer.
Yet in spite of all the help and support the biggest problem over the last year has been that we have had such a small committee and I would really like to urge people to come forward and join the committee or offer skills , especially as we now have Localism, the Big Society, Neighbourhood Planning, and the Jubilee fields projects.
Below we have spelled out the Role of each committee member
Chairman – Chair meetings, liaise with Whitstable Society members and with the team, drive the Society forward.
Treasurer – Day to day expenses, report to committee, put together accounts (external help could be provided for this)
Secretary – Take minutes at meetings, and write up minutes and official letters.
Social Secretary – Organise typically 2-3 events each year, including Christmas Social, (all decided by the committee as a whole) this role lends itself to be done as a couple or team of volunteers
In addition we need:
Newsletter Editor – Put together newsletter from contributions and news from committee members and anyone else who has a relevant contribution. Update website.
Newsletter Distributor Organiser – Receive Newsletter from Printers and to distribute to our team of Distributors.
Roles could be shared posts, so those members new to the committee may not feel so daunted. Being a committee member may not be necessary for all roles, ie Newsletter Editor/Distributor, Treasurer, Social Secretary and people in those roles could come to meetings as and when necessary and at other times just have feedback from committee.
If you are not able to join yourself, do you know someone we could approach? In addition you do not even have to be a committee member. It would be useful to have a list of people with special skills that we could call on for advice if needed.”
During this past year we have looked hard at ways to raise the profile of the Society. Newspaper coverage where possible, Maureen with her regular column in the Whitstable times and by updating the website. Next year we plan a leaflet drop to householders as part of a membership drive.
Congratulations to both Neil Baker and Ashley Clarke on their success at the local councilelections. Both Neil and Ashley are on the renamed Development Management Committee
(DMC), Ashley Development Management Committee Vice Chair, and Neil is on the Executive Committee, with responsibilities for: Communications, Contact Centre Clients and Foreshore (incl Beach Huts). It is nice to know that two such active members of our society will now have a voice on behalf of Whitstable at Canterbury City.
We have had a varied programme in this our 50th Anniversary year with a mix of current affairs, a wonderful talk by Geoffrey Pike on the history of Whitstable, a guided tour of historic Sandwich, the forthcoming visit to the Turner Contemporary at Margate and Social events: the usual Christmas Social and our Special 50th Anniversary Quiz evening. Thank you to all those who helped with questions and also on the night.
Our Society has for 50 years worked with councils making comments and suggestions, and along with the formal role of official planning consultee for the town. Some of the issues addressed this past year were:
The Red Spider Café
Crab and Winkle Bridges
Joy Lane planning issues
Millstrood Road
Beach Huts on Tankerton Slopes
Tankerton Road car Park
Proposed Extension The Oyster trail Cycle Track
Library Forecourt
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Many of these issues are still ongoing but whatever the outcome you can be sure that the Society is working hard to maintain the integrity of Whitstable and to do our best for the future of our town.
Some issues are now completed i.e.
Red Spider café Planning permission not granted.
Crab and Winkle Bridges – Planning permission granted
Tankerton Road car Park – planning permission not granted to close it and build houses on it.
As well as objecting to some planning applications, we also support many but may make recommendations for improvement.
Kath Gill –Chair 2011/2012